Tuesday, April 6, 2010

As the world turns.....

Tuesday, April 6, 2010
My life seems to be flying by and if i blink i miss something.

My brothers were here for a whole week and it felt like... over night. I loved having them here, but dropping them off at the airport bummed me out. Zeb is leaving for college in the fall, and this is likely the last trip he'll make out here for a while. That kid.... I know i brag about him a lot, but if you knew him, you'd understand why. I won't get into it and bore anyone ( as if anyone actually reads my ramblings) but he is one remarkable 18 year old. Keeters.... that kid.... Man do i love him, but he is challenging. He is great with my boys for a little while, but then they all start to pick at each other and feed on each other. NOT a good thing for a very preggie mama with two toddlers and a 16 year old uncle.... Kee just gets bored easily, and without having a giant vehicle to transport everyone in, it made for a pretty non eventful trip for them. Hopefully next time he comes to visit we can do some fun stuff... Like a zoo or childrens museum- he would be AWESOME with my boys there, and i discovered it only days after they left! Bummer!

I am now 6.5 months preggers. I have my glucose test tomorrow. and then i think this is my last monthly appointment that will happen in just over a week. Then i think we go to bi monthly! Are we SERIOUSLY there already?!?!?! We are playing the name game again. We have vetoed just about everything.... I have friends that have made wonderful suggestions, but for one reason or another, its just not this baby's name. I am beyond frustrated with this process. hopefully it will just click and he'll have a name very soon.

J is leaving in less than 2 weeks. he'll be gone over a month. I am sort of looking forward to this. Not because I like him being gone, but because the shop is horrible. And I think he will be much happier on the ship. The break will be good for him, work wise. I'll miss him. The boys will miss him. I am not looking forward to explaining to Ayden where daddy's blue motorcycle is every day.... I think daddy is going to store it at his buddies house while hes gone... our garage isn't very big, and we haven't figured out how to put the bike in the garage in FRONT of my car. If we figure that out, obviously it'll stay here.

Oh yeah, did i mention that J has a motorcycle? We have been trying to figure out how in the world we were going to afford to buy an SUV or van soon after baby boy number 3 got here, and not matter how we tried, it just didn't seem to be happening. So, we opted for the next best option. Get J his bike. We paid cash for it. In fact, we paid cash for his insurance, his gear, AND his bike. Oh and his registration. We don't believe in financing see. So the issue with getting the SUV wasn't that we COULDN'T get it, but rather we weren't going to buy it if we couldn't put our name and only our name on the title.  So, I'll hold onto my car for another year or so. Once J gets back from cruise we will reevalute and hopefully be able to buy our SUV then. But in the mean time. J having a bike means that I get a car EVERY DAY. Let me just tell you how nice it is to not be a one mode of transportation family anymore!

The boys.... yes they are still here. They are still alive. They are pills. This stage is less than fun. Thats all i wish to say on that subject.

Now, I feel like I have a baby that is attempting to come out right now, so I am going to soak in the tub and pray that it helps this pain that i am in.


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