Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Could it be? Nesting? So soon?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Is it possible that I could be nesting at 17 weeks already? We decided to buy the boys bunk beds and convert little misters room into a nursery. Or as the boys call it "tummy babies room". So, in preparation for the arrival of the bunk bed, we moved Ayden into Eli's room. Of course, I had to paint Eli's room back to the original Military White because well... their new room is a rock and roll room. Complete with black, grey and red guitars. That doesn't match navy blue and lime green even a little. So weekend before last, mama spent the entire weekend painting the room. Turned out nice. SO much brighter now than it was before. We turned Eli's bed and then moved Ayden in there. We even moved the boys computer into the bedroom, as well as Ayden's dresser. In ordering new bedroom furniture we went ahead and ordered a nice dresser for them also. This will serve as a TV stand for them as well. So, the bunk is suppose to be here today. Unfortunately, the mattresses won't be here for another couple weeks. Not a huge deal, just a bit of an inconvenience since we ordered a twin over full so we could have a guest bed, and our guests get here Friday.... At least now Ayden's old room is clean and smells wonderful and is totally empty so that said guests can have that room. Anywho, back tot he nesting question. Since the big switch, i have been on a cleaning frenzy. My pantry, my cabinets, deep cleaning the entire house... I dont even think this place was this clean when i moved into it 6 months ago. I am starting to register for baby stuff, and its making me feel like this whole thing is happening fast, so i HAVE to have this house READY. seriously, how insane is that since im not due till JULY?!?! I suppose the timing of this couldn't have been better tho. The IL's get in on Friday. A clean house for the IL's is always a necessity. My to do list yesterday was ridiculous. I somehow managed to get it all finished tho.... Today its not so bad. and im almost done with it all. its not even 10 am. so the question is... will i find more to do, or will i relax once the to do list is finished..... 

Off to finish the last 2 things on my list and impatiently wait for my bunk bed to get here....


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