Monday, February 22, 2010

And baby monty is....

Monday, February 22, 2010
A boy! yep. I know you've all heard this already, but you have not heard how i dealt with this news.  We wanted a girl. really really badly. So bad in fact that we timed my ovulation and researched positions that were best for baby GIRL making. We still got a boy. I cried. Im not gonna lie, i was bummed. major bummed out for a good.... hour. See, I am extremely girly. my boys are of course, all boy. there is nothing prim, proper or pretty about my boys. They're rough and tumble boys. Dirt is their best friend, running and screaming is one of their favorite past times.... And I love it. Thats what boys are suppose to do. But J has all these plans for taking the boys out for boys weekends on four wheelers, or snow machines. Don't get me wrong, I love some campin and fishin, but it would have been so amazing to take my little princess to have mani's and pedi's while the boys were out. My whole "gonna have a best friend" dream was shattered in about 2 seconds when little mister spread his legs and said, 'here mom, your getting another mess!'

But... then i got to thinking. Girls are a lot of work. and cause a lot of stress. and a lot of gray hair. Raising boys... that is an honor. See, I am a firm believer in women being home to raise kids. I understand that is not always possible, but as a mother of 2 (soon to be 3) boys, I feel that it is my responsibility to teach my boys how to provide for their families, how to be strong Christian men, husbands, daddy's and leaders. And to teach them how important it is to have mama be able to stay home with the kiddos if that is indeed what she WANTS to do. There is so much pressure put on my husband. He takes it like a champ. He couldn't do that if he didn't have a wife that supported his every move, but still, HE is the head of this home. HE is the leader. HE is the provider. I have 3 HE's I have to teach to have these same values. What a privilege.

I can not WAIT to meet this bitty man. only 20 weeks and a few days. Now, if we could just come up with a name that we BOTH love.... that would be perfect!


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