Thursday, November 12, 2009

Stress, Excitement, and Thankfulness

Thursday, November 12, 2009
Stress. My family is coming for Thanksgiving and I have a TON to get done before they get here.

Excitement. My family is coming for Thanksgiving.

Thankfulness. My family is coming for Thanksgiving.

Yep, my family coming for Thanksgiving fills me with all sorts of emotions. My brother will turn 18 years old while he is here. Where did the time go? How is he 18 already? I remember him going out of his way to hit me when he was one, and now.... he's a man. Going to college in the fall. Driving. Talking about a career. This is so mind boggling to me. He's my LITTLE brother... I can't believe my parents have two grown kids now.  Keenan, man, these boys are SOOOO excited to see Uncle Kee. Eli talks every day about how he's gonna teach him how to ride a two wheeler. And then jump into a lake.... If you don't know what im talking about see THIS . Timary is such a little lady now. 13 really? I haven't seen her or Keeters in over a year so I am just THRILLED that they are all making the trip out. BUT with all the joys that come also come stressers. I have to somehow find either a card table and chairs. Or at this point I'd take just a chair! My kitchen table is big enough for all of us to sit around- minus the littles, but lets face it, will they REALLY sit thru it anyways? Doubtful. But they have a little cars table that I can pull out of Eli's room and that will just be great.

So things on the to do list before the family gets here (oh and did i mention that j is out to sea? and that i was informed yesterday that if the bench isn't up in a week when they pull back in here, they want to keep him and take him back up north with them? Nice right?)

Anyways. The list:

Mop all floors
Shampoo all floors
Clean mini blinds
Clean and wipe out Fridge
Thanksgiving Food Shopping
Get the leaf out of storage
Clean the table legs and chairs
Reorganize the boys bathroom so it is "guest ready"
Make a list of things i need my mama to bring
Make sure all my extra blankets and sheets are clean
See if we have enough extra pillows for everyone
Deep clean kitchen
Dust the living rooms
Set up AeroBed
Move Ayden's bed into my room
Clean my room- at least the stupid boxes
Deep clean both bathrooms

So, Im well on my way, but still have lots to do.... back to the neverending list. And to the crock pot to put in my chicken for TAQUITOS.


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