Sunday, November 8, 2009

Secrets Secrets are no fun....

Sunday, November 8, 2009
Secrets are for EVERYONE!

Have you ever HAD to keep something to yourself, but wanted to tell the entire world? Yeah, it pretty much sucks. I understand why were keeping it all secretive, but it doesn't make it any easier. And it makes it even harder when my 3 year old knows and wants to tell everyone- including strangers at walmart..... *Sigh* someday, I'll be able to shout it at the top of my lungs. Until then... I'll just revel in my excitement and giggle with my girlfriends that I just HAD to tell...

Speaking of walmart (you see the transition right... strangers at walmart... speaking of walmart.. got it? good), I figured out the secret to only getting what you went it to get. Take two in toe toddlers, and forgo the cart. Worked like a charm. I went it to get coin wrappers, and mouth gaurds. I came out 10 minutes later, and only 6 bucks poorer. It was great.

Daddy left on Thursday. Only for 2 weeks. Its funny how much I miss him right now. I mean, I ALWAYS miss him when he goes out, but for just 2 weeks, you'd think that I wouldn't sit around and feel sorry for myself but thats just what I've done. The short ones suck. The boys ask about daddy 6,794,030,087,596,023 times a day. By the time they GET IT, he'll be coming home. By the time they adjust to ME discipling, he'll come home. By the time I adjust to doing it all alone again, he will be home.... Is it bad that I would rather him be gone for MONTHS than for just a couple weeks? So is the life of a navy wife.

Oh, that wonderful man that made me a navy wife, he voluntold me that I was going to be the ombudsman here. WHAT? like I don't have enough going on right now? It will be a good opportunity for me, and I'll be good at it, but still. Maybe I'm just irriated by it because it'll push me outside my comfort zone. I'll actually have to TALK to people here. UGH. I was trying to stay distant, I hate it here, I don't want to make great friends knowing that I'll be leaving them in 2 years.... BUT, I should take it as a compliment right? J said, my wife would be good at that. That was sweet......

I have a million things to post in the foody blog. Maybe once the whiners go to sleep I'll get my butt in gear. Until then.... its off to do laundry, sweep floors and wipe butts.


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