Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Mom and Loving It

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Im re reading this fantastic book this week. Im on chapter 5 as of now. I started it last night. As Im reading thru it, Im seeing things in a different light. I don't know why it's hitting me so hard THIS time, but it really is. Last night, the last chapter I read talked about priorities. Making time for the things that are REALLY important and letting everything else slide. So I started asking myself... What is it that consumes my day and takes all of my patience away from my boys and the (soon to be) officer? First, my obsession with cleaning. My house is clean. All the time. Its not spotless. I have a 3 year old and a 23 month old. It is IMPOSSIBLE to keep my house spotless. So why waste so much time and energy trying? Why do I snap at my TODDLERS because they haven't cleaned up those legos i asked them to clean up an hour ago. Instead of cleaning, they're playing with them. So what. Let them play. Theyre kids! While I realize they need to learn responsibility, as long as the toys are cleaned up when they go to bed, what difference does it make if i step on legos and airplanes everytime i walk in their room? Isn't that just a reminder that I am surrounded by the greatest gifts that I have ever been given?

Second, cooking. Seems like if im not cleaning up or cooking, im planning what i'll be cooking next. We eat as a family, EVERY NIGHT. No one ever cares what we have. Ever. So why spend so much time stressing about it. The book suggests that I find out what each member of my families favorite dinner food is. That way, whenever i make it, they know im thinking about them. Good idea right? I might try that in our planning for next week.

Lastly, I am not spending enough time in the word. With so many other things that consume me, i just don't make the effort anymore. I get up when the boys wake me up, I go to bed exhausted after spending a couple hours with hubby.... Its just not happening. Thats NOT okay. So, I've decided to revise my daily routine.  After all, if i get the big things right, everything else will fall into place, and we'll be happier, more relaxed and enjoy life so much more!

J gets up at 6ish. i'll get up with him, make coffee, and sit down and read my bible for half an hour. My boys usually get up about 6:30 or 7, so if they continue getting up at 6:30 I'll have to get up a little bit earlier. then I'll get the housework out of the way while the boys eat their breakfast and then watch their 2 cartoons for the day. After that... there will be nothing on the agenda. Nothing. I'll just hang out with my boys and enjoy them. Gee, I can't even imagine just being with my kids from 8 to..... 4:30 ish. At that point, I'll start dinner, get J's lunch packed for the next day, get the boys fed, bathed and ready for bed. Before bed, we always read  to the boys, but i think we are going to start reading BOTH of them bible stories and then pray before sending them off to bed.

Being a mom shouldn't be stressful. We are beyond blessed with these little guys. We should love every moment that we have them. After all, soon they'll be grown and gone and we'll miss the toys under foot and piles of clothes waiting to be washed. Rather than trying to figure out when im gonna have time for this and that, Im just gonna make sure I have time for Elijah and Ayden. Those are the only things that NEED my attention. Everything else can and will wait.


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